Albany Entertainment Centre

Albany Entertainment Centre is the Great Southern's premier multi-purpose venue, home to the Princess Royal Theatre, View Restaurant and Albany Box Office.

For more information on the Albany Entertainment Centre, visit our website:

For more information on View Restaurant, including regularly-updated menus, click here:

A combination of stat- of-the-art facilities and professional staff will ensure the
Albany Entertainment Centre becomes an integral part of both national and state
performing arts touring circuits.

Albany Entertainment Centre features:

Princess Royal Theatre, a 620 seat proscenium arch theatre with a raked auditorium;

The Kalyenup Studio, a 200 seat flexible flat floor space;

Hanover Room, perfect venue for board meetings, conferences or cocktail events;

View, a café with unique sweeping harbour views;

Spacious foyers and public amenities, including hospitality facilities State of the art theatre equipment.

The adoption by the Albany Entertainment Centre of sustainable purchasing and work practices will contribute to reducing its impact on the environment.
